Folder Travel Green Planet 2030 Initiative

It's 2024, just 6 years left for Agenda 2030 Sustainabile Development Goals implementation...

and still the current 1% certified green market share of the tourism supply chain is not enough to meet SDG 12 - Sustainable Consumption and Production. To fast track implementation up to 2030,  we have mapped the global sustainable travel and tourism supply chain through the quality filter of global sustainability initiatives from the UN the EU and NGOs such as the GSTC.  Its time to put yourself on the Travel Green Planet Map alongside over 20,000 certified businesses reaching out to the world's tour operators, travel agencies and travellers alike. Come on board the Tourism2030 Platform to take advantage of 3 decades of networking multi-stakeholder market-based information into a global market-place, then cluster up with our technical support for certification, award and standards bodies to both reach out to and build the world of sustainable and responsible tourism in the spirit of SDG 17 (Partnership).

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Go to the Travel Green Planet Market Place 

Illustration:Gordon Sillence/ ECOTRANS,

About the Travel Green Planet 2030 Initiative

Clustering Tourism Stakeholders in SDG 17


How you can participate

Activities 2018 - 2022

For further information please contact: