Contact Gabriel Voto

I believe the only alternative to the permanence of mankind on Earth would be a great leap in sustainable technologies, on a planetary scale. We have to develop and spread equally the opportunities to gain effectiveness in the use of environmental goods and energy. Additionally we need to prioritize a change of the common environment concept to a more holistic approach, and bring it closer to the world order. I have a strong desire to be integrated and participate actively in this evolution timeframe, to be part of the change I believe is right for mankind and environment. I understand and practice the concept of interdependence between the productive, environmental and social systems as it is something prior to the concept of triple bottom line. It forms the basis of a different way of thinking and doing business way - more respectful and less self-referential. I act moved by the knowledge that the only permissible income is one that does not come at the expense of society and the planet wellness. Guided by a systemic view where we think the project as an integrated “body” not only on its fragments - the economic, environmental and social dimensions. My volition is to be able to finish the development of a participatory methodology of sustainable development and implement it integrally on our pilot area favela da Rocinha in Rio de Janeiro firstly, and then on another low income communities (favelas) with similar environmental characteristics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and then in everywhere else, as the expansion of urbanization (and of deprived areas) is a global imbroglio.

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Firstname Gabriel
Lastname Voto
Organisation Favela Verde
Postal Address Rua Goitacazes, n 216, ap 102
Released 22/07/2014
Country Brazil
Organization Type NGOs, Partnerships, Networks, Projects NGOs, Partnerships, Networks, Projects
Topics Value Chain Management & Fair Trade , Destination Management , Climate Change - Energy and Resource Efficiency , Knowledge Networking, Training and Education , Natural Heritage & Biodiversity , Human Rights & Labour Rights , Travel, Transport & Mobility
Operational level Local

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