Publication PM4SD

Release date 28/01/2014
Contributor Silvia Barbone
Original title Project Management for Sustainable Development
Publisher TSO
Publication year 2013
Issue date 21/01/2014
Country United Kingdom,
Keywords Sustainability Management system, PROJECT MANAGEMENT, Sustainability, destination management, Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria, European Sustainable Tourism Indicators,
Page(s) 135
ISBN 978-0-11-708232-8
Language(s) ENGLISH
Target group(s) Destinations , Businesses , Education, Research, Consultancy , NGOs, Partnerships, Networks , Governments & Administrations
Topics Destination Management , Certification & Marketing , Knowledge Networking, Training and Education , Human Rights & Labour Rights
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Project Management for Sustainable Development (PM4SD®) forms the basis of a new methodology for designing and managing successful tourism projects.

PM4SD aims to become the internationally recognised methodology to use tourism as a force for social, economic and cultural change, supporting the delivery of successful projects in a way that ensures benefits for everyone: visitors, local communities and stakeholders alike.

The first training courses in PM4SD were launched in 2013, and certificates have been awarded at PM4SD foundation level to almost 100 professionals from 15 countries representing different types of organisations, such as national and local governments, international organisations, academies, tour operators and consultancy companies.

The Foundation for European Sustainable Tourism (FEST) is in charge of maintaining and disseminating the methodology worldwide. You can visit the website here to find out information related to events, training courses and accredited training organisations.