Knowledge Networking Portal for Sustainable & Responsible Tourism
We are an agency of routes and trips in mountain bike where it offers BIKE HOLIDAYS SPAIN service. Our field of work is focused on the excellent natural regions that the north of Extremadura has: La Vera, Ambroz Valley, Las Hurdes, Sierra de Gata and Cáceres
What do we offer?
Adventures and bike trips for small groups, with local guides that allow us to give a personalized and quality treatment. Our speciality is trail and all mountain routes, but we are open to all proposals that the client make us arrive. We want your holidays to be unique; where the protagonists are the singletracks, the bicycle and you. We provide you from one-day routes and high-end e-bikes to a complete "all-inclusive" Holidays.
Bike, bike, bike and more bike. Discover new trails, go down and up trails, mtb holidays spain, be amazed by the landscape, listen to the mountain, feel the crunching of the wheels on the singletracks, ride until you fall exhausted. Know, travel, learn and live. Live a lot and when everything is over, start agai
URL en cuestión | |
Address | Calle Poblado Horcajo 9, 10630 Horcajo-Pinofranqueado, Cáceres |
Palabras clave | bike holidays spain |
Grupo (s )objeto | Destinos , Los viajeros |